Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 288 online
TV 03:59:18
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A-Ha - Analogue (2005) - White Dwarf

White Dwarf
Analogue (2005)

There's a big black picture
and its hanging on the wall
with stars and all the planets
the milky way and all
And in the left hand corner
perhaps a small white dwarf,
Ready to explode/implode
I really can't recall.

But it's out there
and I'm down here
And so far from it all.

Everything's expanding
in a constant state of change.
Everything's demanding
in a constant state of pain.
You radiate away
your last remaining heat
Your atmosphere has blown away
when you admit defeat.

But you're out there (don't know where we are)
And I'm down here (don't know why we are)
And so far from it all.

Your time
your grace
your story in place
your life-span erased.

There's a big black picture
and its hanging off your wall.
The stars and all the planets
the milky way and all.
And in the left hand corner
perhaps a small white dwarf
Ready to explode/implode
I really can't recall.

But it's out there (don't know where we are)
And I'm down here (don't know why we are)

And so far from it all
And I'm out here (don't know where we are)
Down where (don't know why we are)
I'm so far from it all..






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