Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 295 online
TV 06:14:18
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A-Ha - Cast In Steel (2015) - Door Ajar

Door Ajar
Cast In Steel (2015)

Door Ajar (doo doo-doo)
Door Ajar (doo doo-doo)
Door Ajar (doo doo-doo)

I hit my head on the pillow hard
I heard a noise from the boulevard
And it made me go down
I left the door to my room ajar
Felt the rumble of the street car
And it spiralled me down

If you could see me swallowed by darkness
What would it matter?
Would it awaken, feelings forsaken
Faded and scattered?
Would you come running if you could hear me
Some way or another?
That's what I'm thinking watching the stars
Reflect in the gutter

Door Ajar (doo doo-doo)
Door Ajar (doo doo-doo)

I hit my heard on the pillow hard
I took the words that you said to heart
And it made me feel down
When I awoke it was dark outside
Just a flicker from a traffic light
And it signalled me down

If you could see me swallowed in darkness
What would it matter?
Would it awaken feelings forsaken
Faded and scattered?
Would you come running if you could hear me
Some way or another?
That's what I'm thinking, watching the stars
Reflect in the gutter

Door Ajar (doo doo-doo)
Door Ajar (doo doo-doo)
Door Ajar (doo doo-doo)
Door Ajar (doo doo-doo)
Door Ajar


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