Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 294 online
TV 02:59:01
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A-Ha - Cast In Steel (2015) - Forest Fire

Forest Fire
Cast In Steel (2015)

Goes around
Comes around
It doesn't really matter, yeah
Something wrong
A false alarm
Doesn't ring that true

Watch it flare up
Where do we begin

We are flames in the forest fire
Dancing from within
That's where we begin
We take you far and wide
And like always
Leave a silver lining scar

The stores in town
Are closing down
And everything's in ruin
Just turn around
Out of every ditch, a path

Watch it flare up
Time to reign it in
So let's begin

We are flames in the forest fire
Rising from within
That's where we begin
And we fuel desire
And like always
Leave a silver lining scar


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