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A-Ha - Cast In Steel (2015) - She's Humming a Tune

She's Humming a Tune
Cast In Steel (2015)

She's humming a tune
To keep herself from thinking
About all that she's facing
But her mind is racing
Over and over again

And I don't suppose she knows
Everything that's bound to happen
How and where the story goes
And I don't why I care
She's up tight, not right
How can it matter to me?

She's humming a tune
To keep herself from straying
When everything's swaying
And decisions are weighing
Ever so hard on her mind

And I don't suppose she knows
Everything that's bound to happen
How and where the story goes
And I don't know if it just
I'm bummed out, no doubt
What does it matter to me?

She's up tight, not right
How can it matter to me?

And I don't suppose she knows

She's up tight, not right
How can it matter to me?


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