Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 293 online
TV 05:09:17
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A-Ha - East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon (1990) - Slender Frame

Slender Frame
East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon (1990)

Your coat is hanging loosely
On your slender frame
There's many roads to leave by
But few come back again

I don't believe it
I believe it

Take a look around and see
What's stopping you is stopping me
One moonless night we'll make it right
And vanish in the dark of night

Pack up your things and go
Run down the road, don't take it slow
Pack up your things today and run away
Yeah, run away

You say it's useless crying
Never got you far
You claim there's none as lonely
Lonely as you are

I don't believe it
I believe it

Take a look around and see
What's breaking you is breaking me

One moonless night we'll make it right
And vanish in the dark of night






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