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A-Ha - East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon (1990) - Waiting For Her

Waiting For Her
East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon (1990)

Waiting for her
That's all I ever do
Waiting for her

So why didn't I
Take the measures justified

Our love has always been the same
She comes, then goes away again
Oh yeah

She used to say
We never have the breaks we should've had
Coming our way

But why didn't I take that time and put it right

Our love has always been the same
She leaves me standing out in the rain -
Oh yeah

Send her my love
She's all I'm thinking of
Oh yeah
I'm telling you

And when she's sleeping by my side
Eyes closed, all knowledge trapped inside
- Oh yeah

So why didn't I
Take the measures justified
Send her my love
She's all I'm thinking of :

Oh yeah
I'm telling you




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