Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 297 online
TV 04:09:18
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A-Ha - Hunting High And Low (1985) - The Sun Always Shines On T.V.

The Sun Always Shines On T.V.
Hunting High And Low (1985)

Touch me
How can it be
Believe me
The sun always shines on T.V
Hold me
Close to your heart
Touch me
And give all your love to me
to me...

I Reached inside myself
And found nothing there
To ease the pressure off
My ever worrying mind
All my powers waste away
I fear the crazed and lonely looks
The mirror's sending me
These Days

Touch me
How can it be
Believe me
The sun always shines on T.V
Hold me
Close to your heart
Touch me
And give all your love to me
to me...

Please don't ask me to defend
The shamefull lowlands
Of the way I'm drifting
Gloomily through time
(Touch me)
I reached inside myself today
(Give all your love)
Thinking there's got to be some way
To keep my troubles distant

Touch me
How can it be
Believe me
The sun always shines on T.V
Hold me
Close to your heart
Touch me
And give all your love to me
to me...

Hold me
Close to your heart
Touch me
And give all your love to me, to me...






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