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A-Ha - Lifelines (2002) - You Wanted More

You Wanted More
Lifelines (2002)

You know the way
You've been before
I've seen the signs
Outside your door
You set the rules
The bitter days
Can't be ignored
It's just the same
Just like before
You wanted more

I love the sun
I love the rain
You gave it up
But all in vain
I love the way
It was before
So bittersweet
To be adored
We had it all
You let it go
You wanted more

But in the end
What is a friend
If not some one
To help pretend
Remember me
You know my name
I'm still the same
But not for you
That's not enough
You wanted more

I love the sun
I love the rain
You gave it up
But all in vain
You couldn't change
You know the score
So bittersweet
To be adored
We had it all
You gave it up
You wanted more

But in the end
What is a friend...

You loved the way
It used to be
The way you are
You and me
You came too late
You left too soon
Just like the rings
Around the moon
We had it all
You let it go
You wanted more
We had it all
You gave it up
You wanted more






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