Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 291 online
TV 04:00:02
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A-Ha - Memorial Beach (1993) - Between Your Mama And Yourself

Between Your Mama And Yourself
Memorial Beach (1993)

Hey listen honey
Something you should know
This can't wait
I've been meaning to tell you
A long time ago
And today's that day
I'll put it straight
No, it just can't wait

Oh sure, it took a little time
I know that's true
But this business
Been preying on my mind
Since I met you
The thing is babe,

Between your mama and yourself
Forced to choose and without help
With a margin, you know it's true
The one I love
Well, it's eh...prpbably you

C'mon now, stay a little while
Before you go
This thing, it's been preying on my
But even so
This I know

Between your mama and yourself
Forced to choose and without help
With a margin, you know it's true
The one I love
Well, it's eh...prpbably you

You've got to know
It's got to show
Yeah, I've got to let her go






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