Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 294 online
TV 05:46:53
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A-Ha - Memorial Beach (1993) - Move To Memphis

Move To Memphis
Memorial Beach (1993)

Walked around no one around
You were the one who taught me
This old town brings me down
You were the one who told me
You've got to

Move to Memphis
That's what I'll do
Gonna move to Memphis and follow you
Trace that highway
Down to your doorway
Gonna move to Memphis and be with you

On the day you walked away
I was the one who said
You'd better stick around stay in town
You were the one who told me
You've got to

Move to Memphis
That's what I'll do
Chase the shadow that follows you
Trace that highway
Down to your doorway
Gonna move to Memphis
And be with you

I'm gonna be with you
I'm gonna be with you
Gonna move to Memphis

Move to Memphis
That's what I'll do
Move to Memphis to be with you
I'm gonna be with you
I'm gonna be with you
Gonna move to Memphis!






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