Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 283 online
TV 02:03:26
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A-Ha - Minor Earth / Major Sky (2000) - The Company Man

The Company Man
Minor Earth / Major Sky (2000)

Andy was the company man
Responsible for signing the band
Songs came out of our mouths
And into his hands
Oh yeah

Legal help, yes we had plenty
Bank-accounts are easy to empty
Everybody's trying to help
Everyone is so friendly
Oh yeah

And we all come down
Don't make a sound as we hit the ground
Yes we all fall down
Don't make a sound as we hit the ground

Give us something easy to sing to
Give us something simple to cling to
Something we can all understand
Said the company man
Oh yeah
We sing

And we all fall down
Don't make a sound as we hit the ground
Yes we all fall down
Don't make a sound as we hit the ground

Yes we all fall down
Don't make a sound as we hit the ground
May we all fall down
Don't make a sound as we hit the ground






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