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A-Ha - Scoundrel Days (1986) - Cry Wolf

Cry Wolf
Scoundrel Days (1986)

Cry Wolf
Headlines and Deadlines

"Night I left the city,
I dreamt of a wolf..."

He came from where the winds are cold
And truth is seen through keyholes
...strange longings never sleep
Oh now he's come where no hearts beat

Cry wolf
Time to worry
Cry wolf
Time to worry now

You can start, but you cannot stop
You give in, but you can't give up
You can tell all your desperate jokes
To a world that puts your
Love on hold

*- Cry wolf
Time to worry
Cry wolf
Time to worry now

*- repeat

...the sunken-in eyes
And the pain in his cries
A shape in the dark...

*- repeat x4






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