Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 311 online
TV 01:34:44
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A Perfect Circle - Mer De Noms (2000) - The Hollow

The Hollow
A Perfect Circle
Mer De Noms (2000)

run, desire, run
this sexual being
run him like a blade
to and through the heart
no conscience
one motive to cater to the hollow
screaming feed me here
fill me up again
temporarily pacify this hungering
so grow libido throw
dominoes of indescretion down
falling all around in cycles circles
constantly consuming conquer and devour
it's time to bring the fire down
bridle all this indescretion
long enough to edify
and permanently fill this hollow
feed me
fill me up again
temporarily pacify this hungering






3 hlasů
průměrná známka: 5/5

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příbuzné odkazy
A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Steprecenze
Underworld - Soundtrack (08.08.2003)novinka
A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step - 16.09.2003 (01.08.2003)novinka
Marilyn Manson - The Golden Age Of Grotesque (09.03.2003)novinka
NOTHING records - aktuality - (NIN, Manson, Tapeworm, Coil....and more) (22.08.2002)novinka

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