Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 284 online
TV 06:11:56
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Abazagorath - Sacraments of the Final Atrocity (2004) - And the Skies Opened

And the Skies Opened
Sacraments of the Final Atrocity (2004)

Wings of death unfurl
Embraced by the force of black
Lined up possessors
Armageddon's warriors

Soon to be reborn

Eyes are rolling backward
Fangs and claws emerge from skin
Earthquakes exploding through our flesh
Together we shall join the coming race

With triumph, strength and might
We procure thy hellish mark
Through monumental cruelty

Come forth...
Over the plains of earth
Embrace the treachery of man
As the skies released their thundering wrath
Distant voices echo in the night

We have seen delight
In cosmic chaos - Black as Hell
Skin hard and scaled
Soon to be reborn...




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