Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 307 online
TV 04:35:17
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Abazagorath - Sacraments of the Final Atrocity (2004) - Weapon of Unholy Wrath

Weapon of Unholy Wrath
Sacraments of the Final Atrocity (2004)

Satan - possess my soul, Satan -grant me your strength, Form me into a weapon of your unholy wrath
Cast your will upon me. Make me a slave in your thrall. I shall execute your command with a thirst for revenge
May I feel the torments of countless hellbound souls May their rage manifest within my violent acts

Forged - as if from steel, Brandished - in your right hand. Make me an instrument, Of your hate and vengeance
A blade that will cut Holy hypocrites down, A hammer to smash the walls of their temples, A fire that will burn
Their scriptures of lies, A spear to impale their meaningless god

Laying siege to this kingdom of deceit. Waging a war of unholy genocide. The shreds of their slaughtered dogma, Lie like corpses on a blood-stained field
Satan - make me a key to open the gates of Hell, To cast my wretched victims into the pits of unending suffering

The cries of fallen heretics cease to haunt me, Long vengeful souls find peace through retribution......Vengeance!
The battle has been one. My deeds have been done, A blade with no more purpose, I fall to the gore drenched earth. A blade that cut holy hypocrites down
A hammer that smashed the walls of their temples, A fire that burned their scriptures of lies
A spear that impaled their meaningless god

Satan - possess my soul. Satan - grant me your strength
Form me into a weapon of your unholy wrath.




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