Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 294 online
TV 03:00:55
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Abazagorath - Sacraments of the Final Atrocity (2004) - Where the Depths Lies Forever

Where the Depths Lies Forever
Sacraments of the Final Atrocity (2004)

The sign appears, one we shall recognize
Damnations of all we once held dear - prepare to die.
Vortex of black touches down consuming all in its path.
Life choked free in bloodstains as the earth is ripped apart

We were able to obtain unlimited knowledge from elder worlds.
Dying spirits barely able to see holocaust winds
Dark celestial bodies descending at them... through rifts in time

Ruined in the aftermath
As all goes cold
Fueled by tremendous forces of nature
Your spirit is left behind

We shall rejoice in the memories of a fading light
We shall rejoice in the foreboding dream
We shall rejoice in eternal grief
We shall rejoice... We shall rejoice

Only we can know
This everlasting dream
Where the sun never rises
Where the depths last forever


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