Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 302 online
TV 04:56:45
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Abigail - Ultimate Unholy Death (2005) - Bitch! Your My Angel

Bitch! Your My Angel
Ultimate Unholy Death (2005)

Bitch! Your my angel
You have listen Venom and Bathory
Burning your heart for metal
Crush! Kill! Destroy!

Witching metal come here
Give me the power of thunder
I love to see your ass
Pussy kiss of hell

I drink the your blood
I masturbate on your face
Street metal bitch, my master
Die in blood and pain tonight

Street metal bitch
Fuck me Satan
Street metal bitch
Fighting for hell

Street metal, back from hell
Satan's revenge for your pussy
Street metal bitch, my master
Mother of Satanik horde

Street metal bitch
Fuck me Satan
Street metal bitch
Fighting for hell




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