Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 298 online
TV 02:56:48
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Abigail - Ultimate Unholy Death (2005) - Metal Got Sick

Metal Got Sick
Ultimate Unholy Death (2005)

Black magic worshipper from the dead
Wi will drink until we drop
Metal is what we need
Bang your head against the fucking wall

Metal got sick
We were born to sacrifice
Metal got sick
Screaming guts and throat

Blackthrash attack against teror
Beat the poser and kill
In league with satan
Metal sick with bloody lucifer

Metal got sick
We were born to sacrifice
Metalgot sick
Screaming guts and throat

Pleasure to kil land fuck
Bullets flying all around your head
Feel the power and sound your head
Satan gave the power to kill

Metal got sick
We were born to scrifice
Metal got sick
Screaming guts and throat






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