Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 292 online
TV 01:38:04
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Abigor - Apokalypse (1997) - Celestial

Apokalypse (1997)


Life may have mercy but I've none
You can never guess what hell is like
Not a sea of fire...
Nor you'll find chains of ice...
But the word of God is unknown there
Nothing is what it seems
The dismal truth is so hard to face
You're just living in a dream - fear the awakening...
Now enter my castle of pain
Cross the path of sorrow and fear
There'll be no light until your soul ignites
'Til your soul ignites
Realise the truth...
I am the lord upon the nightsky
And I'll never serve in heaven
'Cause I rule in hell
But I am still dreaming




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