Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 302 online
TV 02:09:08
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Abigor - Supreme Immortal Art (1998) - Exhausted Remnants

Exhausted Remnants
Supreme Immortal Art (1998)

Exhausted Remnants

Silent screams - Beaten and torn
Sanctify - This life of scorn
Innocence withdrawn in fear
Night grows cold and twilight's near
But the light I see is none
Just a spectrum of unreal colours
Which appears before my eyes
For you neither to see, nor to feel
Shattered scattered - Remnants of life
What can be extracted from nothing
What can be found within the emptiness
Within the emptiness from which I am fed
I deal in pain - All life I drain
Cherished - The grandeur of melancholy
Always and never - The skyline seems so unreal
If I had wings, would I be forgiven
If I had horns, would there be flames
..To show my cry
Laughing and crying - Nothing remains
No future and no past
No one could foresee
The end has come so fast
And I reach my hand
Towards this ocean of despair
To grant my soul a lifetime in hell




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