Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 288 online
TV 02:46:30
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Aborym - Generator (2006) - Suffer Catalyst

Suffer Catalyst
Generator (2006)

Betrayal � a lone soldier
Prepared for the last call
Solitude � the highest fate
Conclude everything and all

Death in the wastelands
Herald the last standing
Obey the first born
Our world will be torn

Conflict � a movement of free
Signal the coming

Gratification- a battered fight
I think you better sharpen the knife

Master and Slave
Increase, full on

Stupid or brave

Hardcore � for legends
Rise from ashes
Semigod � end of days
No more praise

Suffer no more
Catalyst for once and for all
Stop dreaming
A will to be free

(Fabban latin chorus)
Omnia munda mundis

Death in the wastelands
Herald the last standing
Obey the first born
Our world will be torn

Conflict � a movement of free
Signal the coming




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