Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 297 online
TV 05:30:05
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Abyssic Hate - Eternal Damnation (1998) - Human Despair

Human Despair
Abyssic Hate
Eternal Damnation (1998)

Human Despair

Caught in the grip of human despair
Again I find myself all alone
Clenching my fists, I close my eyes
Nothing I share with this inferior earth

Desolation and pain are at one with myself
Death remains my source of strength
In time to come we'll be united
And eternally I'll rest far below God's heaven

I endlessly stare out into the void
Overcome by waves of sadness
I feel drowned and morally defeated
Emotions beyond this pitiful existence

I will not endure this mortal strain
Given one choice to abandon this world
I sense my demise, it is so near
Garnering the strength to terminate my life

Omniscient that this curse is now dead and buried
I welcome death with outstretched arms
My soul descends far from this plane
Freedom at last from my decayed skin




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