Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 271 online
TV 06:10:07
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AC/DC - Ballbreaker (1995) - Burnin' Alive

Burnin' Alive
Ballbreaker (1995)

burnin' alive
set my soul on fire
runnin' with a gun
this place is gonna burn
no firewater or Novocain
no thunderstorm no John Wayne
no kids to rock
nowhere to run
so watch out cause this place is gonna burn

burnin' alive, burnin' alive, burnin' alive, burnin' alive
burnin' alive, burnin' alive

they be smokin' your hide
come runnin' wild
tell you nothin' to fear
cause the buck stops here!
he came from a little town called hope
and someday maybe
it'll go up in smoke
no firewater or Novocain
no thunderstorm no John Wayne
no kids to rock nowhere to run
so watch out cause this place is gonna burn

burnin' alive, burnin' alive, burnin' alive, burnin' alive
it's an all out war
an all out war
burnin' alive, burnin' alive

there's a little town called hope
and someday maybe baby
he'll inhale that smoke!

burnin' alive, burnin' alive, burnin' alive, burnin' alive
burnin' alive, burnin' alive, burnin' alive, burnin' alive
it's an all out war
an all out war
burnin' alive, burnin' alive

watch the place burn down






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