Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 308 online
TV 04:24:03
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AC/DC - Ballbreaker (1995) - Caught With Your Pants Down

Caught With Your Pants Down
Ballbreaker (1995)

runnin' round with the wrong crowd
goin' out on a last stand
playin' too hard an' too loud
bad cards in a bad hand
wanna dance
wanna sing
whip you with that lickin' thing
tonight I'm gonna kick up
out drivin' in a big truck
an' maybe I'll get beat up
caught with your pants down

lining up for a roll call
goin' out with a big bang
gettin' caught in a shootout
take it hard like a big man
women workin' so hot
givin' it everything you got
just like it's never gonna stop
tonight I'm gonna kick up
out drivin' in a big truck
an' maybe I'll get beat up
caught with your pants down

she take em' down down down
she rip off her stockin's when the place start rockin'
down down down
she was a woman with a mission stick it in your face

caught with your pants down

down down down
caught with your pants down






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