Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 296 online
TV 05:22:29
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AC/DC - Razor's Edge (1990) - The Razor's Edge

The Razor's Edge
Razor's Edge (1990)

there's fightin' on the left
and marching on the right
don't look up in the sky
you're gonna die of fright
here comes the razor's edge

you're livin' on the edge
don't know wrong from right
they're breathin' down you're neck
you're runnin' out of lives
here comes the razor's edge
here comes the razor's edge
the razor's edge

razor's edge to raise the dead
razor's edge to cut to shreds
to raise the dead

here comes the razor's edge
here comes the razor's edge

well here it comes
to cut to shreds
the razor's edge

it's the razor's edge

the razor's edge
you could be cut to shreds
the razor's edge

the razor's edge






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