Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 271 online
TV 05:44:24
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Accept - I'm A Rebel (1980) - Save Us

Save Us
I'm A Rebel (1980)

Beyond the hill, of fantasy
Ha, tell ya
Take care of you, beware of his magical plan
It hurts, breaks your soul, burns your mind
Never believe, never never
Believe the tales of mystical force

Please, save us
Bring us his trembling heart
Please, save us
Bring us his trembling heart

Black hill castle, (there in the dark)
Hear the thunder, watch the spark
Ha ha ha
Can't you see?
Way of life, It's (...)
I saw his sinister face
Speaks your name, don't listen
Otherwise, your part of the scene

He tears you from the ground and takes you higher and higher.
His magic's all around, his eyes are burning like fire

He tears you............




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