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Accept - Metal Heart (1985) - Bound To Fail

Bound To Fail
Metal Heart (1985)

Drifting down what we passed
It's done over and over again
We've just been losing a part
To be in another winning team

We turned the tables and times
Reject the failures for the pride
It's a replay or a change
Who knows when the new game starts

What have we done
What a deal

We're bound to fail
'cause you failed before
We're bound to fail
'cause you failed before

While you have been so wrong
We have to live by self defence
We are mistaken by you
There is no way we can win

We wanna change it
Is it true

We're bound to fail
'cause you failed before
We're bound to fail
'cause you failed before

We wanna change it
What have we done




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