Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 275 online
TV 02:43:53
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Accept - Metal Heart (1985) - Midnight Mover

Midnight Mover
Metal Heart (1985)

Hey you - come on!
I show you something
There is what it takes for you
Mmh, you better follow me

Go - gonna ease your pain
Ooh, you will remember me
That's it what they used to say
Seducing everybody for the money

Slow down - back off
Tell him you don't pay the price

He is a midnight mover
Coming in the night - going with the light
He is a midnight mover
He can't go on in the sunlight

You better use your brain
Ooh, you are forever free
That's it, there's no place to stay
For someone who is losing, it's not funny

Slow down - back off
Tell him you don't pay the price

He is a midnight mover
Coming in the night - going with the light
He is a midnight mover...

(Midnight mover - midnight mover)

He is a midnight mover
Coming in the night - going with the light
He is a midnight mover
He can't go on in the sunlight

He is a midnight mover
Coming in the night - going with the light
He is a midnight mover
He can't go on in the sunlight






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