Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 294 online
TV 01:40:05
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Ace Of Base - The Bridge (1995) - Blooming 18

Blooming 18
Ace Of Base
The Bridge (1995)

Reality reality reality is always
Reality reality reality is always
Reality reality reality is always
Reality reality reality

You tattoed yourself like a piece of art
You've already broke your mother's heart
When I was your age, working my ass off
Your generation's soft

Reality is always, such a drag
For barely blooming eighteens
The barely blooming eighteen
Wants to know
What's keeping her from searching

You cannot pierce that and
You're dressed too tight
Got a lot to learn about wrong and right
So dye your hair, dad's gonna wash it out
Come on wash your mouth

Reality is always, such a drag
For barely blooming eighteens
The barely blooming eighteen
Wants to know
What's hiding in the shadow

Reality reality reality is always
Reality reality reality is always
Reality reality reality is always
Reality reality reality

Reality is always, such a drag
For barely blooming eighteens
The barely blooming eighteen
Wants to know
What's keeping her from searching

You cannot pierce that and
You're dressed too tight
Got a lot to learn about wrong and right
So dye your hair, dad's gonna wash it out
Come on wash your mouth

Reality is always, such a drag
For barely blooming eighteens
The barely blooming eighteen
Wants to know
What's keeping her from searching

Reality is always, such a drag
For barely blooming eighteens
The barely blooming eighteen
Wants to know
What's hiding in the shadows?






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