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Ace Of Base - The Bridge (1995) - Experience Pearls

Experience Pearls
Ace Of Base
The Bridge (1995)

Give me all your tears. Let me turn them to pearls

Let me turn all the tears
That you have cried into pearls
Hand them over to me
I'm gonna keep, keep them for you

I want to hold you
I want to kiss you

I want to mend what is broken
Love me the way that you loved her - please
'Cause now I'm giving it all

And so I've made up my mind
I'm gonna be yours this time
I'm gonna give all I've got
And get your love in return
And so I've made up my mind
I'm gonna be yours this time
I'm gonna teach you to trust
And learn how to burn
Experience pearls

(Pearls of experience)

When sand strikes up in your eyes
I will cover your face
I'll plant your desert with roses
And I'm gonna keep, keep them for you

And so I've made up my mind...

I'll wear your pearls more precious than silver
I'll wear your pearls so close to my skin
(I's tear myself apart just to get you)

And so I've made up my mind...




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