Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 300 online
TV 02:31:13
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Acid Bath - Paegan Terrorism Tactics (1996) - Diab Soule

Diab Soule
Acid Bath
Paegan Terrorism Tactics (1996)

[Unknown sample]
Summer feels like death
Godless we run
In my eyes there dreams an ocean
Hell beneath my tongue
I understand
And don't care
Well the skyscrapers look like gravestones
From out here
With blood in my cum
In my heart the song plays on
The Insects Requiem
I understand
And don't care
'Cause the skyscrapers look like gravestones
From out here
Pissing your life as fast as they consume you
Killing everything as fast as they can bleed you
Pissing your life as fast as they consume you
Killing everything as fast as they can bleed you
With blood in my cum
In my eyes there dreams an ocean
Hell beneath my tongue
I understand
And don't care
Well the skyscrapers look like gravestones
From out here
From out here
From out here
From out here






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