Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 293 online
TV 03:12:13
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Acid Bath - When The Kite String Pops (1994) - Tranquilized

Acid Bath
When The Kite String Pops (1994)

Sedated and lazy, cold skies full of blue
The sun burns forever, it reminds me of you
On your dead shore the sand is warm
She hides her tears and quickly lets it die
I will make it through even without you
My sky will be blue, I live tranquilized

Slow motion, liquid universe I'm feeling nowhere
It don't matter where we're goin' 'cause I already been there
On your dead shore the sand is warm
She hides her tears and quickly lets it die
They're dying of rabies, eating their babies
In fields of dead daisies, I live tranquilized

I live... I live... I live... I live...
I live... I live... I live... I live...

I'm numb and unfeeling
So I just burn and stare at the ceiling
I'm here but so far away
I see your mouth movin' but can't hear what you say
And I don't think I give a fuck anyway






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