Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 306 online
TV 01:35:40
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Adema - Kill The Headlights (2007) - Days Go By

Days Go By
Kill The Headlights (2007)

Sometimes I just get so frustrated
I don't even bother sleepin' anymore
And all this seems overrated
In all of us
Is all the things we said and done
If we can see them lying on the floor

And I
Ask them why
Can't they remember
All of this this will be forgotten
Surrender there's nothing we can do to stop them
That's just the way it goes
That's just the way it goes
Days go by
I just can't keep track of the time

Dreams are made for fools and sages
Nobody leaves with what they came here for
Still they gotta keep turnin' pages
In all of us is all the things we wished we done
If we could see them wash upon the shore

And I
Ask them why
Can't they remember
All of this will be forgotten
Surrender there's nothing we can do to stop them
That's just the way it goes
That's just the way it goes
Days go by
I just can't keep track of the time

I go back to the way it was
This feeling it can't be wrong
It's coming on way too strong

I go back to the way it was
This feeling it can't be wrong
It's coming on way too strong

Remember all this will be forgotten
Surrender there's nothing we can do to stop them
That's just the way it goes
That's just the way it goes
Days go by all of this will be forgotten
Days go by there's nothing we can do to stop them
Days go by all of this will be forgotten






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