Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 292 online
TV 03:09:34
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Adema - Unstable (2003) - Needles

Unstable (2003)

I know this girl with a needle in her arm
The red dragon walking circles through her soul
She chases dragons to apeize the track upon her soul
She cooked the shit twice today to shut out all the pain

I can't take it anymore
I can't take it anymore
Take this needle from my veins
All I feel is pain all I feel is pain
There is nothing left but bloodstains

the tracks you have they tell the tale
Of what your hell on earth would feel
Do you wanna live do you wanna live
Let the needle fly away remove it from your life
Do you wanna live or do you want to die

The tracks you have they tell a tale
Of what your hell on earth would feel
Do you wanna live do you wanna live
Let the needle fly away remove it from your life
Do you wanna live or do you want to die






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