Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 297 online
TV 02:33:44
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Aerosmith - Done With Mirrors (1997) - Gypsy Boots

Gypsy Boots
Done With Mirrors (1997)

Gypsy gypsy dancing feet
Gypsy gypsy bittersweet
Screamer dreamer disarray
Gypsy gypsy why did you fly away

No good papa's no good
Sister's no good and that's a drag
Sometimes you're feelin'
Like your head's on the ceiling
When you scream hey mama... rag
Oooh... when your daddy come home
Wit an old soup bone
'Cause he drank all the money away
And your mama's in the kitchen
On the phone she be bitchin'
And your girlfriend who called to say

Gypsy gypsy dancing feet
Gypsy gypsy bittersweet
Screamer dreamer disarray
Gypsy gypsy why did you fly away

High school lover with ya corpse undercover
Gettin high jack... Lebanese
Hey mama choosed it y'all all been through it
Or be fallin' off you right to your knees
Pair a shades shotgun rock on
Chewing gum take it to the dance tonight
Your a love hate child with wild child smile
And you don't care wrong from right

Gypsy gypsy dancing feet
Gypsy gypsy bittersweet
Screamer dreamer disarray
Gypsy gypsy why did you fly away

Nobody but nobody baby
Knockin' my socks off
Rock rock rockin'
I'll be gotten I'll be gettin' my rocks off
Nobody but nobody shootin'
never gets a shot off

Yeah yeah yeah




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