Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 303 online
TV 04:25:22
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Aerosmith - Done With Mirrors (1997) - My Fist Your Face

My Fist Your Face
Done With Mirrors (1997)

Wake up baby what'choo in for
Start the day upon your knees
What'choo pissin' in the wind for
You musta snorted too much bleez
East house pinball wizard
Full tilt bozo played
Second floor trekkie
Makin' warp speed out the door
Julio Anpacolucci
He the only one who stayed
Countin' up the days
Please no more

My Fist Your Face
That's for sure

Hey Betty Boop you got me droolin'
I'm buzzin' 'round your hive tonight
You played the hooky 'stead of schoolin'
Son of a bitch put out the light
Thirteen year old hookers
Drag yourself right through the thorns
You wonder why the man's outside your door
Junior achievers got the old bull by the horns
Back in the saddle get ya s'more

My Fist Your Face
That's for sure

East house pinball wizard
Full tilt bozo played
Second floor trekkie's
Makin' warp speed out the door
Julio Anpacolucci
He the only one that stayed
I'm countin' up the days
Please no more

Arr... My Fist Your Face
That's for sure
Oooowhoo... yeah

My Fist Your Face
That's for sure... or wor... ooowhoo
My Fist Your Face
That's for sure... oooh whoo
My Fist Your Face
That's for sure






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