Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 299 online
TV 06:02:11
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Aerosmith - Get Your Wings (1993) - Lord Of The Thighs

Lord Of The Thighs
Get Your Wings (1993)

Down to who knows who just to socialize
I'm waitin' for my girls when you caught my eyes
Oh...you got no way to make a man
Honey you got to understand
I'm your man child
Lord of the Thighs

Well well Lordy my God what do we got here...he ha
She flashin' 'cross the floor
Mak'in perfectly clear
You're the bait and you're the hook
Someone bound to take a look
I'm your man child
Lord of the Thighs

You must have come here to find it
You've got the look in your eyes
Although you really don't mind it
I am the Lord of your Thighs

You must have come here to find it... baby
You got the look in your eyes
Although you really don't mind it
I am the Lord of your Thighs




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