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Aerosmith - Just Push Play (2001) - Outta Your Head

Outta Your Head
Just Push Play (2001)

All the way back in history
How a girl thinks is a mystery
We spent our lives cruisin' the bars
Venus girls and the men from mars

So in all this time did you ever think
Do the girls see red
When a man sees pink
And your best lovin' is in the past
Cause somewhere slow is nowhere fast

You're outta your head (yeah)
So outta your head (yeah)
Stay outta your head
You're outta your head (yeah)
So out of your head (yeah)
Stay outta your head

Bricka bracka firecracker sis boom bah
Here comes trouble in a push up bra
His style is sharp as a coffin tack
But you're out of your box
'N you're way off track

You're a mile away on a mental binge
You're catasphrophe is of a lunatic fringe
You're still put together it's tit for tat
You say its all good but its more than that

You're outta your head (yeah)
So outta your head (yeah)
Stay outta your head
You're outta your head (yeah)
So outta your head (yeah)
Stay outta your head

So in all this time did you ever think (think) (think) (think) (think)

You're outta your head (yeah)
So outta your head (yeah)
Stay outta your head
You're outta your head (yeah)
So outta your head (yeah)
Stay outta your head

You're outta your head (yeah)
So outta your head (yeah)
Stay outta your head
You're outta your head (yeah)
So outta your head (yeah)
Stay out of your head






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