Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 298 online
TV 05:25:49
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Aerosmith - Permanent Vacation (2001) - Girl Keeps Coming Apart

Girl Keeps Coming Apart
Permanent Vacation (2001)

She was a 42nd street walker
Parkin' out down by the Trick hotel
See the old floozies flappin' in the wind
Titties and all... that's right

She's right peculiar
She'll try and fool ya
But the girl she's coming apart

She's so appealing
Right off the ceiling
Yet the girl she's coming apart

What did I tell ya
She'll buy and sell ya
'Cause the girl she's coming apart

She's so affected
I'm so rejected
And the girl she's coming apart
Don't don't don't don't...
Don't let it get me down
Don't let it get me down
Down down down down

She's just a screamer
A nightmare dreamer
Yeah the girl she's coming apart

She's like a call girl
Loose ends and all girl
But the girl she's coming apart

White lace and leather
She's so together
But the girl keeps coming apart

I feel sedated
Boxed up an crated
'Cause the girl she keeps coming apart
Don't don't don't don't don't don't...
Don't let it get me down
Don't let it get me down
Aaaoooouu.... yeah

So there she was... hey hey
Buns up and kneelin'
I was a wheelin' and a dealin'
My ace in the hole so to speak... hey hey




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