Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 316 online
TV 03:40:42
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Aerosmith - Toys In The Attic (1993) - Round And Round

Round And Round
Toys In The Attic (1993)


If you believe in me like I believe in you
You wouldn't be tellin' me things that weren't exactly true
Now everything changes ain't nothin' the same
I'm gettin' the strangest feelin' I can't remember my name
'Cause the life I been livin' and the love I been givin'
Would be sure to set you spinnin' witcha' feet never touchin' the ground
And I'm round and round

Well it was one for all and it was all for one
And everything that we did never bothered no one
Look here... now everythin' changes ain't nothin' the same
I'm gettin' the strangest feelin' I can't remember my name
'Cause the life I been livin' and the love someone give me
Would be sure to set you spinnin' with you feet never touchin' the ground
And I'm round and round and round and round and round and round and round

Can you remember the days when you were sweet sixteen
And always caught in the blaze of someone else's dreams
Looky... now everythin' changes ain't nothin' the same
I'm gettin' the strangest feelin' I can't remember my name
I'm goin' round and round
And round and round (9x)
And round

Round and round and (repeat until end)






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