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AFI - Answer That And Stay Fashionable (1997) - The Mother In Me

The Mother In Me
Answer That And Stay Fashionable (1997)

Caught in a world that's plagued by something they called love.
A paradigm of illness is the beast I have become.
The sights that I have seen could nearly bring me to my knees.
I've seen exactly what it is I never want to be,
but I keep it deep inside myself.
It's within me.
Keep it deep within yourself and sink with me.
Last night I had the misfortune to see it all first hand.
"Evacuate the premises" was the innate first command.
What drives the need for all of this?
And will I ever understand?
Has someone failed to tell me of this master plan?
But I keep it deep inside myself.
It's within me.
Keep it deep within yourself and sink with me.




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