Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 228 online
TV 01:26:20
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AFI - Sing The Sorrow (2003) - This Celluloid Dream

This Celluloid Dream
Sing The Sorrow (2003)

Calling tears from deep inside,
oh, you're so exquisite.
And in the mirror, all midnight eyes.
Oh, if I could remain,
but it's just a visit.
All midnight eyes read 'vacancy.'
Twisted, twisting.
To the lovely dancing lights, I begged,
'May I cut in?' but they never stopped
playing 'their songs.'
of a joyous song they sing,
I've heard whispers.
On a freezing note,
I resonate.
Just like romantic verses,
just like a joyous end,
just like a memory,
it twists me.
You land as lightly as the new snow,
onto the melting boy and melt away.
You light as gently, you're so
Bathed in your radiance, I melt.
In the glitter, in the dark,
sunk into velvet praying this will never end.
In the shadow of a star, in static pallor,
I realized I never began.
All the colors upon leaving will turn to gray.






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