Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 311 online
TV 01:34:44
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AFI - The Art Of Drowning (2000) - Of Greetings And Goodbyes

Of Greetings And Goodbyes
The Art Of Drowning (2000)

Now ending discreetly, just like a hidden sin, as I go under please tuck me in.
Make me invisible.
This hidden explosion calls for a wandering cast with no direction.
Enter all the monsters let us twist another fairy tale.
Go kill the lights, we'll glow till the morning comes.
I'll say goodnight and bow to everyone.
Then we go under.
The beauties are sleeping as fruit just rots away.
Today go hungry.
Let it begin.
Make me invincible.
There was a weeping I carried down today, a sigh worth keeping.
Deep within divinity let's start another secret show.
No need to worry it is just another monster.
No need to fear here in the secret show.
No need to worry I am just another monster.
In you, I'll see me, in the secret show.






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