Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 283 online
TV 02:03:24
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AFI - The Art Of Drowning (2000) - Sacrifice Theory

Sacrifice Theory
The Art Of Drowning (2000)

Hear one thousand screams.
Hear one thousand voices.
A solitary echo.
Feel one thousand pains, but one is recieving a bloody invitation.
Do you want to feel the warmth?
To taste the life flow?
Feel one thousand lost sinking into soft skin.
Ingest rejuvination.
One to consume, one to renew.
Demanded invitation.
I offer grace, I offer blood, I offer everything till my heart is crystal clear.
Do you want to feel the warmth?
To taste the life?
I want to taste the life...
to taste the life flow.






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