Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 290 online
TV 05:07:38
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Agathocles - Razor Sharp Daggers (1995) - Faded Novelty

Faded Novelty
Razor Sharp Daggers (1995)

What are you gonna do when the novelty has gone ?
First you stabe me in the back and then you take a run,
I knew it was too good, to be fucking true,
Shall I hang myself until my face turns fucking blue ?
But you can stick your super-man ideal up your fucking arse,
I know it wasn't meant to be, but I do fucking care,
I can't change the way I was put on this fucking Earth,
I thought you were accepting me, but in reality you see me as dirt,
The times we spent together, oh man they felt so real,
When I looked into your eyes, love was all I could feel,
But know it seems to be a farce,'cause now you turn your head,
But I hope you'll still remember me, when I'm fucking dead...


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