Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 301 online
TV 01:46:50
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Agathodaimon - Serpent´s Embrace (2004) - Serpent´s Embrace

Serpent´s Embrace
Serpent´s Embrace (2004)

She was the dawn of a new day
The crystal voice inside my head
And at times she showed me eden
Untrodden paths, a sky that's bleeding

Serpent's embrace
Serpent's embrace

Darkness waiting in her eyes, her gaze
Kissed by a fraudulent snake
A soul eater - Serpent's embrace
Serpent's embrace

She was the dawn of a new day
but all it brought was pure dismay

The sky and sun turned black
Nailed black as ebony
And there was no turning back
No turning back

A golden sun in past times, floating high above
Looking back from now, a collection of strange days for, love

And at times I realized
Everything must surely end - some day

Darkness waiting in her eyes
Darkness waiting in her gaze
She gave birth to a worm of lies
A place of shadows mourn
A soul eater - Serpent's embrace

Every dawn of a new day
Too far away, but death is cheap
Maybe just below the ground, about six feet deep
Beneath the undertow
Beneath the undertow




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