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TV 05:53:33
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Aion - Reconciliation (2000) - Time of Reconciliation

Time of Reconciliation
Reconciliation (2000)

A new millennium is on the horizon.
All the bad and all the good
Will stay behind us.
Ages of hatred, years of suffering,
Gardens of love, rivers of pain.
Let's leave everything behind, let's forget.

Let's fill our hearts with hope and joy
And the new millennium we'll live
In reconciliation

There comes our last chance to live
With dignity. It's enough to shake hands and to stop destroying,
Killing, dealing pain - it's so simple.

Let's fill our hearts with hope and joy
And the new millennium we'll live
In reconciliation

It's time to try to save our life
Time to clean hatred off us.

The night has come, let's go to sleep,
We'll dream of gardens of love full of flowers
Of rivers flowing with freedom and joy of living.


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