Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 298 online
TV 04:06:49
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Air - Moon Safari (1998) - All I Need

All I Need
Moon Safari (1998)

All I need is a little time
To get behind this sun and cast my weight
All I need is a peace of this mind
Then I can celebrate

All in all there's something to give (all in all there's something to give)
All in all there's something to do (all in all there's something to do)
All in all there's something to live
With you...
With yooouuuu...

Ah oo aye
Ah oo aye aye
Ah oo aye

All I need's a little sign
To get behind this sun and cast this weight(get behind this sun) of mine
All I need's the place to find
And there I'll celebrate

All in all there's something to give (all in all there's something to give)
All in all there's something to do (all in all there's something to do)
All in all there's something to live
With you...
With yooouuuu...

Ah oo aye
Ah oo aye aye
Ah oo aye

All I neeeeeeeddd...






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