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TV 04:14:00
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Alanis Morissette - Flavors Of Entanglement (2008) - Orchid

Alanis Morissette
Flavors Of Entanglement (2008)

Me and my helmet
Such an unconventional kid
All intense and kinetic
At best tolerated from afar

Not yet arrested
And by that I mean betrothed
Though at start I am duly courted
I've just not been trusted with altars

I'm a sweet piece of work,
Well intentioned yet disturbed
wrongly labeled and underfed
Treated like a rose as an orchid

My friends as they weigh in
Get understandably protective
They have a hard time being objective
So inside, we cancel each other out

I'm a sweet piece of work
Well intentioned yet disturbed
Wrongly labeled and underfed
Treated like a rose as an orchid

You've brought water to me
Making sure my bloom rebounds
You know best of what my special care allows

So I've lived in my blind spot
Thought myself usual when I'm not
In your garden is a nice spot
As long as it is brave and where you are

For this sweet piece of work
High maintenance and deserted
I've been different and deserving
Treated like a rose as an orchid

Sweet piece of work
Overwhelmed unobserved
I've been bowed down to but so misread
Treated like a rose as an orchid.






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průměrná známka: 5/5

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