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Alanis Morissette - Flavors Of Entanglement (2008) - Tapes

Alanis Morissette
Flavors Of Entanglement (2008)

I am someone easy to leave
Even easier to forget
A voice, if inaccurate

Again, I'm the one they all run from
Diatribes of clouded sun
Someone help me find the pause button

All these tapes in my head swirl around
Keeping my vibe down
All these thoughts in my head aren't my own
Wreaking havoc

I'm too exhausting to be loved
A volatile chemical
Best to quarantine and cut off

All these tapes in my head swirl around
Keeping my vibe down
All these thoughts in my head aren't my own
Wreaking havoc

All these tapes in my head swirl around
Keeping my vibe down
All these thoughts in my head aren't my own
Wreaking havoc

I'm but a thorn in your sweet side
You'd be better off without me
It'd be best to leave at once

All these tapes in my head swirl around
Keeping my vibe down
All these thoughts in my head aren't my own
Wreaking havoc






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